We Understand that each disabled person is unique

Monday to friday 09.00-5.00

Call Us (480) 863-5422



1. How does MDS help me with my SSA disability case?
    1. Once all the records are received we have one of our experienced providers review your case and provide a detailed review of your condition and Social Security Administration requirements for disability.
    2. Can assist in obtaining records (fees may apply)
2. How will I know when my records are received, and the review is completed.
    1. Medico Disability Services will provide regular status reports along the way via text message or email.
3. What does the reviewed document package contain?
  1. Provide a document with all the required information to submit to Social Security for disability.
  2. If additional records evaluations or medical tests are recommended to complete your workup, we provide a detailed report to discuss with your doctor.
  3. We will update your report with recommended studies or evaluations as needed (certain conditions may result in fees)
  4. Our Customer Service can provide comprehensive assistance including gathering medical records and completing necessary documentation, Additionally, we can providing a document concierge to assist in document retrieval and available for questions and concerns via phone. (fees may apply)
4. How long does the process take?
    1. The process of completing the review is fairly complex. Once all the records are received, we have to review those records to ensure completeness. The time taken to complete this package also Depends on the amount of time it takes to receive all the medical records.
5. How do I check the status of my document review for the Social Security Administration?
    1. MDS provides a portal to assist you in gathering the information required for your document review including your personal information, list of physicians, and other information required to complete the document review. We provide updates through each stage of the process. Your portal is the main interface to upload documents, communicate with medical disability services and manage your overall process, and will have your final document to submit to social security administration.
6. Can the evaluator at Social Security Administration access my portal or review my documents?
    1. Yes, you can provide permission for the SSA disability evaluator to access your portal.
7. Is the service fee refundable?
  1. Due to the complexity required to gather all the information and send it to a physician to review is labor intensive and refunds are not possible. We will make every effort to provide a complete record of your disability.
  2. MDS is not affiliated with the Social Security Administration or the US government. We provide a comprehensive review that should improve your chances for disability based on documents submitted. Please note that regardless of the review process, inadequate documentation of your condition can significantly affect your chances for disability.
  3. Our many years of experience can assist you in your disability submission.
8. Are there payment plans?
  1. We do not have a specific payment plan but the review process can take two to four weeks or longer. While the review is in process you can pay any portion of the balance during that time with the remainder due at document completion.
9. What if I require additional documentation and provide that documentation later is there a fee for updating my records?
  1. Not for minor changes though extensive changes or additions to the document review process such as additional diagnosis, symptoms, testing or a large number of records that require additional review may result in fees.
10. What if I need help?
  1. We provide extensive help files in the portal including videos to show you how to complete that section but if you still require help you can always reach out to our customer disability representatives to assist you.
  2. If you have a complex case that requires a lot of assistance you should consider our concierge service.



(234) 234-3467


1345 Divi St.
San Francisco, Ca 29456


Hello@ MedicoDisabilityServices.com